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Full Version: Employers Blocking Access to Facebook due to Lost Productivity
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Quote:Employers are denying a growing number of workers access to Facebook, the now ubiquitous social networking site, a Sophos survey shows. The poll queried 600 visitors to the security firm's Web site over a period of weeks earlier this summer. Some 43 percent said they had been denied access to Facebook at work.

Social networking site Facebook has become so popular that it's catching the attention of employers. A growing number are blocking their employees from accessing the site, reports security firm Sophos, due to concerns over lost productivity and threats to security and privacy...

full article: http://ecommercetimes.com/story/NWsbJdF2...book.xhtml
A related article:

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Studies worldwide suggest employees spend about a fifth of their work shifts engaging in personal activities. Their favourite time waster? The Internet...

full article: http://www.itnews.com.au/News/60142,dont...-this.aspx