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Full Version: Facebook calls Breast Feeding Obscene
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Quote:A dispute is erupting between breast feeding activists (known as “lactivists”) and Facebook over pictures of breast feeding on Facebook.

Facebook has taken down pictures of users breast feeding, and has even gone as far as banning users completely on the basis that the pictures constitute “obscene content.” Suffice to say the lactivists aren’t the least bit happy...

full article: http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/09/07/bre...-facebook/
IMHO, women should be able to breastfeed anytime, anywhere, so long as they are discreet. They should also be able to post pics, so long as they are discreet. If they are posting pics that expose all, then IMO, Facebook has every right to remove them if they also remove porn images.  Why would anyone want to share such personal images with anyone who has access any friggin' way? I can't say I would ever even have considered it. Some things are meant to be personal.
Same thing with the breastfeeding in public debate. Is consideration for others who may be made uncomfortable by a breastfeeding woman, too much to ask? To be required to use a little discretion is not giving up your right to feed your baby, as some would imply/say.

[/end rant]

I am tired of zealots, particularly when there are far more important things to worry about. :Smile
Quote:Why would anyone want to share such personal images with anyone who has access any friggin' way?

Posting the images in public view on a site with 34 million members isn't something I would consider doing.