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Full Version: Why are so many e-commerce sites terrible?
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Interview with VP of DigitalRiver:

Quote:Why are so many e-commerce sites terrible?

Jim Wehmann: When they're terrible, it's usually because they're missing something pretty basic.

They don't understand their end consumer and they're talking to them in the wrong voice.

They've got the wrong promotional strategy. It's either too aggressive or not aggressive enough.

The content is not as relevant as it ought to be.

The calls to action are not right for the audience.

We all see terrible sites out there, and we don't spend a lot of time on them, and we hop away. That's the nature of e-commerce. In life and in e-commerce, you only have one chance to make a first impression.

full article: http://ecommercetimes.com/story/LgcYJJUk...Site.xhtml