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Full Version: ImagePick: New Site For Royalty Free Images
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Quote:When two former C-level executives leave a monolith like Getty Images it’s a fair bet that they will go and create something smaller, faster moving and a lot less hide-bound by the restraints of picture royalties.

And sure enough that’s exactly what happened. Founded and funded by ex-Getty Images CFO Lawrence Gould and former Getty Images director of e-commerce, Tom Donnelly, ImagePick is a new startup which allows you to buy and own the rights to royalty free images so you can use them as much as you like for your marketing, websites, you name it. And the idea is not to provide royalty free pictures which are basically crap, as is the case normally. ImagePick has a team of editors who look at images prior to their being added to the database. It’s already got providers of royalty free images signed up, including Corbis, Jupiterimages, Blend, Rubberball and Westend61...

full article: http://uk.techcrunch.com/2007/10/23/imag...mage-bank/