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Full Version: Over-50s are muscling in on the social-networking arena
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Quote:...increasing numbers of over-50s are muscling in on the social-networking arena, signing up to sites such as Facebook and its main competitor, MySpace in their droves. While some of the sites'younger users are reacting as if dad just rolled up to the disco, the balance of power is shifting towards these so-called "silver surfers"...

The idea that social networking appeals only to younger internet users is a misconception. In fact, the growing population of over-50s online is encouraging the development of new social networking sites that cater specifically for this older audience. Sites like MyChumsClub (mychumsclub.com) and Saga Zone (www2.saga.co.uk/sagazone), both launched this week, are over-50s-only online communities that offer friendships and, in the case of MyChumsClub, the opportunity to safely meet new cyber friends in the real world. Andrew Thatcher who, on facing the boredom of retirement, decided to start MyChumsClub, thinks that his site is Facebook without the risk, and offers an antidote to retirement...

full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/connected/mai...hums01.xml