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Quote:So, with millions being spent online and the holidays quickly approaching, what can you do to help increase sales from your online store during Cyber Monday? Leuenberger offers six tips for e-tailers, that he said, are proven to be effective. "I don't recommend a strategy unless I've tested it," said Leuenberger. "You can't advise people unless you've tried it and found that it works." So, without further ado, here's some expert marketing advice:

  1. Give a Free Gift Away for Orders Over a Certain Amount
      "I'm not talking free shipping promos. Add something different to it," said Leuenberger. "Something with a flare. Such as, 'If you buy this flashlight, get a pack of batteries free.' Make it worth their while. People expect free shipping, so if you're trying to be competitive, be the one who offers that plus a deal, and you'll get more sales."

  2. Create Product Bundle Gift Packages
      Develop a "gift package" bundle that includes items that complement each other. Make sure the price of the bundled package costs less than if the shopper actually purchased each product separately from your store.

      "We do quite a bit of testing, and this is one of those little things that makes a big difference to the bottom line," said Leuenberger. "It will boost the average order value."

  3. List a Promotion on CyberMonday.com
      Use the marketing muscle of the site CyberMonday.com run by Shop.org. "A lot of smaller e-tailers don't know the site exists, but it's an extra area of exposure you can captilalize on," said Leuenberger. "To stand out, though, you have to have a great deal, something beyond just free shipping."...

full article: http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/solutions...hp/3711366