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Quote:Apparel e-tailers are clearly in style these days among shoppers, with sales beating out computer hardware and software for the first time last year, according to a study by Forrester Research, Inc.

The report, "Fashion and Online Shopping: It's A Match," goes on to study the clothing buyers driving this growth by profiling shoppers in three categories: apparel, footwear and clothing accessories. It also traces sales growth in these areas for the past six years and offers strategies for both retaining and luring new customers...

Here is some insight from the analysts into who's clicking for clothes.

Who's Holding the Virtual Purse Strings?
First, a look at the online fashionista profile. The majority are educated, early-adopter females. Furthermore, they are more liberal with how much they spend. "While online fashion buyers have nearly the same e-commerce tenure as a typical Web buyer, their spending habits resemble those of a shopaholic," says the study. "On average, online purchasers of apparel, footwear, and clothing accessories have spent $720, $790, and $860, respectively, online during the past three months, distancing themselves from the more conservative spend of $550 for a typical Web buyer."...

full article: http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/resources...hp/3715346