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Full Version: 9 Essential Principles of Good Web Design
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Quote:Web design can be deceptively difficult. Getting a design that is both usable and pleasing, delivers information and builds brand, is technically sound and visually coherent...

Add to this, the fact that many web designers (myself included) are self taught, that web design is still novel enough to be only a side subject in many design institutions and that the medium changes as frequently as the underlying technology does.

So today I've put together my 9 principles for good web design, it's only my opinions and I've tried to link off to more reading on subjects so you don't only hear my voice. Obviously I have lots of disclaimers, rules are made to be broken, different types of design work differently, I don’t always live up to my own advice etc etc.  So please read these as they are intended, just some observations I am sharing...

full article: http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/9...eb-design/