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While the woman at Live Help yesterday was able to tell me that the hacking attempts had stalled at 308, that there had been no recent attempts, and that no other IP addresses had accessed my account . . .

The woman at Live Help today had to check with a supervisor before telling me that as General Live Help, she did not have access to that information and referring me to Trust and Safety. (Yeah, they're the folks who have been so helpful, telling me it's not a T&S issue until the hacker succeeds.)

So, because I've got nothing better to do than spend hours on chat with people who can't or won't help me, I contacted T&S again.

And asked two questions. Have there been any more unauthorized log in attempts or are we still at 308? Has there been any access to my account by any IP address other than my own?

I got in response cut and paste about responding to suspicious emails. (Hello, if I'd responded to a suspicious email, they'd have HAD my password and there wouldn't have been any *failed* attempts.) I got in response cut and paste about downloading the eBay toolbar. (Uh, no thanks.)

What I didn't get, even though I asked the very specific questions *repeatedly* were answers to my questions. Have there been more than 308 attempts now? Has there been access to my account by an IP address other than my own?

I got "There has been no suspicious activity on your account."

From the folks who have already told me that 308 failed log in attempts does not consitute suspicious activity on my account, this is hardly reassuring.

Thanks, eBay.
He's back.  BangHead
Only during 'working hours' ?? Gee....  Boo

Plz let us know what the Feds say!
[quote author=iron_chick link=topic=717.msg2804#msg2804 date=1128964619]
He's back.  BangHead

He must do his hacking during lunch break at his office desk. 

I'm sure eBay will help this time--NOT.  :Smile
I just talked to the detective.  The report hadn't made its way to him yet, but they put me through when I told them it was still going on.  He's going to track down my report and call me back. 

His take . . . is that it is someone doing it from work.  Maybe they think they won't get caught there?? 

Good luck Iron Chick. Hope the Feds catch him.
Good luck
Keep in touch with this, plz.  We all need to be party to some exciting drama from time to time.

*cough*  Yours, of course, not ours....  Angel1
[quote author=amy link=topic=717.msg2808#msg2808 date=1128966985]

I'm sure eBay will help this time--NOT.  :Smile

Silly, Trust & Safety isn't there to actually help eBay users or to stop hacking attempts and fraud!!!  T&S is the public relations arm of eBay and its main purpose is to give the illusion that eBay cares in order to counter the non stop bad press eBay receives for all the bad bad things that happen on its site day in and day out.  :twistedevil:
I think it speaks volumes about the scope of the problem that the detective I dealt with today,  here is small town rural Georgia, was quite familiar with and sounded quite experienced with working on these sorts of eBay issues/crimes. 
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