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Full Version: Hairless Chris Tsakalakis Snubs Stores Board Rabble Rousers to Meet with Voices
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For the record, I TRULY am not trying to be an asp... just trying to understand the different points of view. 

Anita, I know you are a person with integrity---never thought otherwise.  Smile
I can't be the ONLY dork that didn't know Chris was a VP.  In that case, my personal opinion is ...Anyone that high up the food chain is OPEN SEASON!!!

PS:  I think that is why people are confused or ticked off at BBH for "attacking" Chris concerning his favoritism for certain groups.  Others, like me, assumed he was a dorky Pink just making the brown nosing rounds.
Anyone that high up the food chain is OPEN SEASON!!! (quote by Anita)

Laughing4 Laughing4 Laughing4 Laughing4 Laughing4 Laughing4 Laughing4 Laughing4
His official title:


Chris Tsakalakis
Vice President, Advanced Solutions
Heck, I KNEW Chris is a VP.  It is one of the things I commented on in Odds thread - that the fact that it took a VP to fix an obvious fuckup is a bad sign of the state of affairs in eBay land. 

Pinks have been MIA on the Stores Board recently.  There was some ebay chick, not a pink, wearing pom poms and talking down to folks in a thread recently - that's the closest I've seen.  But they are ingoring real issues and real concerns.   

As for the search, I have about one gazillionth the experience in this type stuff that BBH has but I know I've title searched for MY OWN BOOKS and not had them come up.  Reports of search issues are rampant.  And, my post sales in search store sales are about a quarter of what my pre sales in search store sales were, on double the inventory. 
You didn't have to prove to me Chris' status.  I believed you!  I should just learn to shake my head in agreement with you at all times.  Not much gets by you two!!  Smile
BellisimaJ  Wave enjoy reading your post over there and
completely understand your frustration.

Anita: ebay employees are treated probably just about as bad as ebay customers.
Seems I remember BBH pointing out some website that had leaked ebay memos.

Seems from reading those memos, the employees are treated like little children
also and probably get real little pink slaps and are told to go stand in a corner for
what management thinks is a "negative" offense.

Repeated pink slaps may result in sanctioning
(firing /deleting) of the offending employee.

Sound familiar?  :blinkie:

So I do feel BAD for the pinks when they have to
come on the boards and get ripped apart by all us little peasants. 
I bet they have to draw straws or flip a coin or something.

I'm sure that they really don't want to come out and play.  :oops:

But CHRIS... yea I'd say open season on him for sure.

iron_chick:  We have sold one $26.00 item on ebay in the last seven days.
By contrast on our website we have sold and processed over $775.00 dollars
in that same time frame.
And there was a glitch in the Linkpoint payment system last week too.

So Id have to say there is really something wrong in ebay land.
Whether it is search related of that the buyers have had it is anyone guess.

Surly Chris or any other ebay official would
NOT fess up if they found out that the system had a glitch.

I mean we all know ebay is glitch FREE right? 

I really do feel bad for anyone who is relying on ebay to make a living.
Oh yea that $26.00 was the only payment that has been
ran through pp since the first of May.  Laughing7
xppman, Wave

I also feel bad for the pinks--they have no real power to affect the situation and are simply stuck in the middle.

But, as you say, Chris is a whole nother animal---he is someone who could improve the situation if he so chose. Pity he toes the party line! Sad

Anita, are you or are you not going to Live? ANyone else here going? I do not care to be the only one without a flag waving, lol, like to hang on to my skin!! Lol

LOVED your response to MYADVICE(so)SUCKS/aka marty. Starting to wonder if SRG is cult like?! ;D
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